Use Cases Of Openshift In Industry

Uditanshu pandey
8 min readApr 18, 2021


In this article, we are going to discuss about the industry use cases of openshift.

What is OpenShift?🤔

OpenShift is a cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS) hosted by Red Hat. It’s an open-source, cloud-based, user-friendly platform used to create, test, and run applications, and finally deploy them on the cloud.

OpenShift can manage applications written in different languages, such as Ruby, Node.js, Java, Perl, and Python. One of the key features of OpenShift is extensible, which helps the users support the application written in other languages.

OpenShift helps organizations move their traditional application infrastructure and platform from physical, virtual mediums to the cloud.

OpenShift supports a huge variety of applications, quickly developed and deployed on the OpenShift cloud platform. OpenShift supports three kinds of platforms for developers and users.

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

In this format, the service provider provides hardware-level virtual machines with some pre-defined virtual hardware configuration. There are multiple competitors in this space, starting from Rackspace, AWS Google Cloud, Rackspace, and many more.

The main drawback of having IaaS after a lengthy setup and investment procedure is that one is still responsible for installing and maintaining the operating system and server packages, managing the network of infrastructure, and taking care of the basic system administration.

2. Software as a Service (SaaS)

With SaaS, one has the least worry about the underlying infrastructure. It is as simple as plug and play, wherein the user has to sign up for the services and start using it.

The main drawback of this setup is that one can only perform a minimal amount of customization, which the service provider allows.

Gmail is the most common example of SaaS, where the user needs to login and start using it. The user can also make some minor modifications to his account. However, it is not very useful from the developer’s point of view.

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

It can be considered as a middle layer between SaaS and IaaS. PaaS evaluation’s primary target is for developers in which the development environment can be spin up with a few commands.

These environments are designed in such a way that they can satisfy all the development needs, right from having a web application server with a database.

The OpenShift Console has developer and administrator oriented views. Administrator views allow one to monitor the container resources, container health, manage users, work with operators, etc.

How does OpenShift work?🤔

Moving from one environment to another Container is the technology used. This could be from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production, and perhaps from a physical machine in a data center to a virtual machine in a private or public cloud.

While containers can be thought of as a next-generation approach to virtualization, they share one downside with virtual machines. Given that containers can be deployed in far higher numbers than virtual machines, managing provisioning, deployment, tracking, and repairs of multiple containers across your IT architecture can be extremely challenging.

RedHat OpenShift, make container use viable for enterprise applications. It uses Kubernetes as a base layer over your Machine. OpenShift hides almost all the complex integration of Kubernetes. It also integrates with different automation tools like Jenkins(for CI/CD pipelines), Kubernetes, Docker(container) to automate development structure.

Advantage of OpenShift🔥

👉Innovate and go to market faster: OpenShift enables your development team to focus on what they do best. Now, developers are free from spending excessive time managing and deploying containers. This helps them to speed up the development process and get the product faster in the market.

👉Accelerate application development: Deploying and managing containers at a scale is a complicated process. It cut down the time of managing the container. This improves the companies productivity and speeds up application development.

👉Enterprise-grade, container-based platform with no vendor lock: Consider the case of a company with worldwide manufacturing facilities that implement a container platform tool. If the company shifts its production approach to a process that requires it to change to a new operating system — one that isn’t supported by its containerization platform — the company will face the expensive task of redoing its containerization orchestration on another platform. With a vendor-agnostic open-source platform, users can migrate their container processes to the new operating system quickly — while avoiding the extensive costs often involved in migrating from a proprietary operating framework.

👉Self-service provisioning: This self-service provisioning helps improve developer productivity by allowing your development team to work with the tools they are most comfortable using — speeding up the development process by enabling faster creation and deployment of applications. At the same time, OpenShift allows your operations staff to retain control over the environment as a whole.

💫 Ford Motor Company adopts Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift 💫

Ford Motor Company was looking to provide mobility solutions at accessible prices to its customers, including dealerships and parts distributors who sell to a variety of retail and commercial consumers. To speed up the delivery and simplify maintenance,

The company created a container-based application platform to modernize its legacy stateful applications and optimize its hardware use. With this platform, based on Red Hat OpenShift and supported by Red Hat and Sysdig technology.

Ford has improved developer productivity, enhanced its security and compliance approach, and optimized its hardware use to improve operating costs.

Now, the company can focus on exploring new ways to innovate, from big data to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

💫 CISCO uses OpenShift to provide better productivity 💫

Challenge: Improve productivity and speed to market.

Cisco turned to Red Hat to design and build its LAE, a PaaS deployment that supports hundreds of apps that power a variety of business functions. The solution gives developers a self-service portal they can use to order the IT resources they need to develop apps, eliminating manual provisioning. It’s a 1-stop shopping catalog and help in making the ordering process seamless and easier for developers to use.

Cisco developers used to wait as long as 3 months for projects to be provisioned. Now the developers push a button and the service is delivered within a matter of minutes.

More productivity means customers get innovative products and services faster. The solution reduces demands on limited IT resources and gives developers more time to focus on creative projects, increasing employee satisfaction.

It is valuable to have rapidly evolving functions for the company which needs it like (cybersecurity firms)

where they are hackers who are looking for software flaws to exploit. when an exploit is found. cybersecurity firms are expected to respond with fixes as rapidly as possible.

Self-Service provisioning one cool feature of Openshift which helps in the developer’s productivity by allowing the team to work with tools.

This means faster creation & Deployment of applications.

Cisco had its requirement of router and firewall manufacturing to take place with actually monitoring and also the network traffic that a router or firewall gets in will be balanced by the open shift to scale it horizontally up and down.

Cisco has even lots of networking tools that are being used in the companies enterprise level to have various connection to be managed and monitoring and having the health check-ups of all those tools that are deployed. needs much time and effort to do so for any operations team and this increases the pressure on the developer to make the simpler structure as possible to limit the glitches in near future.

With Open-shift, they are really achieving the ease of managing the entire enterprise-level teams.

💫 By combining NEC’s biometric scanning technology with Red Hat’s OpenShift, we have built an agile and highly scalable platform for the future utilizing open, robust and flexible container services.💫

A global leader in IT and networking solutions, NEC provides products and solutions to address a variety of public and private sector challenges, with the company emphasizing public safety solutions, including biometrics, over the past few years. One ID extends biometric technology to provide a solution tailored to the growing need for “fast travel” in the airline industry.

The system requires a facial photo of a passenger to be registered when they initially check-in at an airport service desk or self-service KIOSK at Narita Airport. From there, the passenger is able to move more rapidly through the airport, including screening, baggage storage and the boarding gate without having to show a boarding pass or passport. Biometric scanners at each phase of the travel process are able to confirm the individual’s identity, helping to improve traffic flow through the airport and the overall travel experience.

Analyzing the types of data collected by solutions such as One ID requires extensive computing power backed by a flexible, scalable infrastructure that can support usage spikes at peak travel times. The industry’s most comprehensive enterprise Kubernetes platform, Red Hat OpenShift, provides NEC with cloud-native architecture as well as operational agility, future-ready developer services and integration with extended hardware and software systems.

💫 Powering digital transformation at Royal Bank of Canada with Red Hat platforms. 💫

Enterprises across the globe are looking to transform their operations and services to better align with current conditions. To succeed, they also need to adopt the latest technologies. Even the most traditional businesses — such as banks and financial institutions — need to use innovative approaches to deliver leading-edge solutions to their clients and partners.

As our customers begin to evaluate their digital transformation options, they are looking for a trusted partner to work with and a proven infrastructure platform to innovate upon. These are often the key factors for success. Take Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), for instance. RBC is in the top 10 of global banks with over 86,000 employees and a complex IT environment. As a leader in technology and innovation, RBC has been at the forefront of digital transformation. The bank has been recognized with multiple industry awards and honors, and continues to innovate to better serve their customers.

Thanks For Reading.



Uditanshu pandey

Technical Volunteer at ARTH-The School of Technologies || Cloud Enthusiast || Ansible ||Flutter || Hybrid Multi Cloud || DevOps || Terraform